Draught School

MicroMatic Draught School

UPDATE: (Feb 26, 2021) I received a call from Tom Geordt at MicroMatic who wanted to let me know that as soon as the covid restrictions allow, the Dispense Institue will be back up and running again. Every two weeks is their plan. So there you go, just paused for now, but with plans to rebound. Still a victim, of Covid with over a year of no classes, but having the DI back is great news for the industry. Thanks for reaching out Tom.

UPDATE Two: (June 17, 2021) MicroMatic has announced that they are resuming classes starting Aug 31. More info and registration page here: https://www.micromatic.com/education/dispense-institute

Micro Matic

Like so many other things, Micro Matic’s Dispense Institute seems to have been a casualty of Covid. It is tough to hold a three-day, hands-on draught school with social distancing in the middle of a pandemic.

As of today (Feb 3, 2021), their schedule still has a full 2020 slate of classes, with no updates on 2021. Rumour has it that they let their trainers go, which was a part of company-wide cuts. Not unexpected – every company besides Costco and Uber Eats have made some Covid Cutbacks.

I took the class three times. Yup, three times.

You know that old saying – if you keep taking the class, sooner or later they make you the teacher.

That’s what I did. My last time there I taught the lesson on beer clean glasses.

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Draught Schools are a much-needed resource for draught techs.

I quickly realized in my first class that they used the class as a way to sell their equipment and supplies, and since they made quality stuff, I was drinking the Kool-Aid. I was happy to buy all the trinkets and tools; like most of you I'm sure, I love gadgets.

I had yet to start my draught service company, Draught Prophets, and I found it a bit overwhelming the first time through, but looking back, I couldn’t imagine not taking the class. Building your own system for the first time was intense and rewarding. Especially pouring a pint from it at the end of day two.

One thing that was amazing about the Dispense Institute was not only the price ($495) nor that the lunches and dinners were included, but all of the pints that happen when you put 15 draught techs at a table together.

Every class had a mix of newbies and veteran techs.

MicroMatic Dispense Institute
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Now, if you started as a tech in another company, then went out on your own, you probably knew quite a bit going into the class. And you probably took some more advanced techniques from the class back to your job.

I am sure that as someone with some time-spent in the biz, you helped out the rookies in your class, as I did on my repeat visits.

The thing I enjoyed the most, however, was the chatter in the breaks and over pints – the sharing of knowledge that was insightful for everyone.

That’s the purpose of this blog - to share information.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id="draftschool" question="Have you taken the Siebel course? If so, How was it?" opened="0"] Siebel has a four-day Draught Master course for about $1,700. Only one class scheduled in 2021, Aug 24th. I’ve never taken that one, so I can’t speak to it, but I’d love to hear if you have.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

What are your thoughts on Draught School?

  • Did you go? Micro Matic, Siebel, or somewhere else?
  • If so, where, when?
  • Who was your instructor?
  • Would you go now if they offered one?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Cheers, Steve 🍻

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