Welcome to The Tap Trackers Blog. This is a place where we'll discuss the challenges of running a draught service company (or draft service company, if you prefer). And there are lots of challenges. As you know.
There really aren't any resources or places to go to get answers or to share knowledge. Micro Matic was an amazing course to get started, but it is no longer offered and more importantly, it didn't speak about the challenges techs face, only the how-tos.
[wpdiscuz-feedback id="lw7msbo9y2" question="Is there anything you'd like me to cover? Let me know." opened="0"]So every week or two, I'll post a topic that I have found to be a challenge and I welcome you to comment or discuss if you have the same challenge and how did you solve it.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]Comments are open, but in order to keep this from turning into a messy, online pissing contest, we have some rules.
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We encourage you to comment and add some helpful info into each post. You can start with this one by introducing yourself in the comments section down below.
I'll start first...
I'm Steve Riley, and my career started in the restaurant business in 1988. Since then I have transitioned into the beer business, then the draught service business, and now draught quality assurance.
When I owned a draught service company in Toronto from 2005-2010, I was amazed by how little information there was out there on the trade of being a draught service technician. And it's not any better now.
I attended the Micro Matic course a few times (loved it), but for the most part, everything else was self-taught.
My next post will be on Draught School, so make sure to subscribe to get a notification when that goes live.
As part of our services at Better Beer, we launched an online draught line cleaning tracking program in 2017. In the Fall of 2020, we invested in its development to make it helpful for draught service companies.
We've been using the program in the field with different companies and now we are ready to expand.
Feel free to reach out. Cheers!
steve@TapTrackers.com or at (888) 811- 2337 ext 700